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Peer marking with Smart Revise

In his latest meta-analysis for 2023, Visible Learning: The Sequel, John Hattie, a well-respected professor of education and director of the Melbourne Education Research Institute, suggests that peer assessment has a +0.43-effect size.

That means, when done well, peer assessment can make a difference to student attainment, potentially raising it by a whole grade. 

Smart Revise, the online course companion for GCSE business and GCSE/A Level computer science, now supports peer assessment with a peer-marking engine. Having created a task with exam-style questions, you can can assign students to mark each other’s work anonymously. 

That’s not all, students can also provide feedback to their peers – not with written comments that could be inappropriate, but instead by ticking relevant parts of the mark scheme to indicate how marks were awarded.

In addition, Smart Revise is the only product to integrate the MARCKS system. Students can report how their peer could improve their answer through application, reading the question more carefully, communication, knowledge or making the correct number of statements. 

Save time and boost attainment

Smart Revise supports teachers by relieving them of administration: saving time, reducing workload, but actually increasing attainment. Question sets can include multiple choice, key-word definitions, extended answer, and level of response/chained lines of reasoning questions from any number of topics.

For business this also includes scenario-based questions. These are chosen automatically by Smart Revise with students assigned for peer marking automatically too. The resulting marks are saved in a mark book.

“Smart Revise with peer assessment can be used for regular practice, baseline assessments, homework, end-of-topic tests, summative reviews, and even full online mock exams.”

For teachers who want more control there are also options to manually configure and direct each stage. An overview report visually informs teachers how their students are losing the most marks in their answers, together with informative summary statements for individual students about how to make improvements in the next task. 

Smart Revise with peer assessment can be used for regular practice, baseline assessments, homework, end-of-topic tests, summative reviews, and even full online mock exams, with questions directly matched to the course specification written by examiners and teachers with over 20 years of classroom experience.

Raise attainment and reduce workload with Smart Revise, now with a peer assessment engine. Visit the website to find out more.


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