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Challenge the experts & win exclusive prizes with DK in this special free webinar!

What is lava made from? Do worms have feelings? Who was the greatest pharaoh? If your students have BIG questions, find out how to get them answered with DK Eyewitness… 

Celebrating over 35 years of the bestselling DK Eyewitness series, DK are now inviting your class to find out even more amazing facts by joining their free 45-minute Ask an ’Ologist webinar, exclusive for schools, on 22 March at 10am. 

Intrigued? Find out how to attend and submit your questions here.

But who are these mysterious ’Ologists? They’re the experts behind the Eyewitness series – brilliant academics, TV presenters, museum curators, authors and even film consultants. Meet them below. 

“DK are inviting your class to find out even more amazing facts by joining their free 45-minute ‘Ask an ’Ologist’ webinar.”

Win books and a special school visit from an ’Ologist

These ’Ologists will be put to the test with the toughest questions of their careers – asked by your class! These questions can be submitted from now until 11 March here, with the ’Ologists selecting questions to be answered on the webinar itself.

AND what’s more – each will choose their favourite question, the writer of which will win a set of 50 Eyewitness books for their school and a school visit from one of the ’Ologists.

Meet the ’Ologists

For this inaugural session, DK (and a special to-be-announced guest host) will be joined by… 

Darren Naish, palaeontologist – Darren has worked for the BBC’s Natural History unit and is a science communicator and dinosaur expert. As a part of his work, he’s named fossil animals, dinosaurs and flying reptiles. 

Joann Fletcher, Egyptologist – Joann is lead ambassador for the Egypt Exploration Society and a professor in archaeology. She regularly writes and presents award-winning TV shows on the BBC and Channel 4. (Picture courtesy Dr Amr Aboulfath.)

Cat Hickey, zoologist – Cat works at Whipsnade Zoo and is an expert in biodiversity, conservation and genetics. She also spent a year in Madagascar working with ring-tailed lemurs! 

Jack Challoner, scientistJack trained as a science and maths teacher before working for London’s Science Museum. He has written 50 books on science and technology.

So how does my class take part?

Enter the competition and ask your class’ questions here. No question too big or small, just make sure that they are related to DK’s four chosen topics of Dinosaurs, Ancient Egypt, Science or Animals.

Submitting questions is easy and takes less than five minutes; simply gather your class’ questions beforehand and submit them in one go. 

Find out more about the event and sign up for updates here, or be the first to know registration details (as well as details on future events like this) by signing up to DK Learning.

What is the DK Eyewitness series? 

Loved by teachers and kids across the world, DK Eyewitness is an amazing series of books that cover just about every subject under the sun (including astronomy!). Every book is jam-packed with photos, illustrations and juicy awe-inspiring facts designed to help kids become real experts. Browse the books here.


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